We are called to be a peculiar people. But sometimes, it is difficult to stay upon the straight and narrow when so many things in this world entice and tempt us.
We continue to learn many different things as we read other classical literature, and as we view period drama that is appropriate. We particularly enjoy analyzing characters and then write our own that line up with the Lord's Word-- characters that struggle with the same issues we face, and who, like us, ask for God's strength to handle those issues. Our sincerest prayer is that the Lord will use the words we have written to be a blessing to others who may not know Him or who may be struggling in their walk with Him-- or those who simply want some wholesome entertainment in book form. Either way, may all glory go to the One and Only Who ordained our eyes to see, our ears to hear, and our hands to write.

Charles Dickens and Elizabeth Gaskell inspire her writing the most.

Melody (24) graduated from home school in the fall of 2008. She has been writing since she was a child, too, and like her older sister, has authored many inspirational articles and short stories and novelettes. She is still working hard to complete her first full-length novel, in between teaching violin and piano and playing in the family band, The Full Quiver.
John Buchan and Baroness Orczy are her favorite authors.

Faith (22) graduated from homeschool in the Summer of 2011. She began drawing at a young age and began writing stories to go with her art when she was a little older. She has completed several novelettes and is currently working on publishing her first novel, while playing upright bass in the family band. She enjoys reading autobiographies and books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, Douglas Bond and John Buchan.